Our Client

Japan Nomikai Flutter App

We are proud to announce that our dedicated team has developed and continuously maintained this app, gaining extensive experience in creating dynamic Flutter UIs and integrating Agora for seamless video calls. Our app has successfully made its way to the App Store, showcasing our commitment to innovation and quality.


Download App from app storehttps://apps.apple.com/in/app/nomikai-live/id1589495365

User Friendly Experience

Start by registering as a member (sign up) and logging in. Once you’re in, choose your favorite virtual room and sit in your favorite seat or chair. Our app is accessible from both web browsers and smartphones, providing you with flexibility and convenience.

Real-Time Virtual NOMIKAI

Dive into the thrill of real-time virtual gatherings. Our latest update makes interaction even more engaging with the introduction of customizable user icons, allowing you to express yourself in a virtual environment.

Safety and Community

Your safety is our priority. Our app now supports user reports to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all. If you have any concerns during a video call, you can report them directly to the administrator with just a message. Your feedback and opinions are valuable in helping us build a responsible and orderly community.

Virtual Backgrounds & Apple Pay

Personalize your experience with virtual backgrounds. Plus, you can now purchase points easily using Apple Pay, making it simpler than ever to enhance your NOMIKAI experience.

Food Delivery App

Revolutionize your food delivery business with our complete solution! We provide two powerful apps: one for users to browse menus, place orders, and enjoy live chat support, and another for drivers to manage deliveries efficiently. Our robust backend API ensures a seamless process from order creation to final delivery. Partner with us and take your food delivery service to the next level!

Key Features of a Food Delivery App

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design for easy navigation and seamless food ordering.
  2. Advanced Search & Filters: Filter restaurants by cuisine, price, rating, and distance.
  3. Real-Time Tracking: Live GPS tracking to monitor the status and location of orders.
  4. Customizable Orders: Allow users to modify ingredients and preferences for their meals.
  5. Multiple Payment Options: Secure payments through cards, wallets, and COD.
  6. Scheduled Deliveries: Users can set future times for their food to be delivered.
  7. Order History & Reordering: Quick access to past orders for faster repeat purchases.
  8. Push Notifications: Timely updates about offers, promotions, and order statuses.
  9. Ratings & Reviews: Rate restaurants and dishes for better decision-making.
  10. Loyalty Programs: Reward frequent customers with discounts, points, or exclusive deals.

BHM Group

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