Kids Coding Course

Creating an interactive coding course for kids aged 6-13 who know basic English can be a fun and engaging way to introduce them to programming. Below is a 3-month beginner course agenda, focusing on building a strong foundation in coding concepts with basic Dart examples. The course includes Hindi wording where necessary and aims for 2 classes per week.

4-Month Beginner Coding Course for Kids (Age 6-13)

Course Objectives:

  • Learn basic coding concepts like variables, loops, conditions, and functions.
  • Develop problem-solving skills through fun exercises.
  • Build small interactive projects in Dart.
  • Understand how code can be used in real life.

Agenda Overview:

  • Duration: 4 months
  • Weekly Classes: 2 (1 hour each)
  • Total Classes: 32
  • Language: Simple English with some Hindi support to make learning easier.

Month 1: Understanding Basic Concepts

Week 1: Introduction to Coding

  • Class 1: What is Coding? (Coding क्या है?)
  • Understanding computers and programs.
  • How coding helps in daily life.
  • Simple commands using logic (e.g., daily tasks like brushing or eating).
  • Class 2: Problem-Solving through Coding
  • Breaking problems into steps (problem ko parts mein divide karna).
  • Fun games to understand step-by-step instructions (like moving a robot).

Week 2: Starting with Variables and Data

  • Class 1: Introduction to Variables (Variables क्या होते हैं?)
  • What are variables? (जैसे स्कूल बैग में चीज़ें रखना वैसे ही कंप्यूटर में डाटा रखना).
  • Simple examples like storing age, name, etc.
  • Class 2: Data Types in Coding
  • Introduction to numbers, text, and true/false (number, text aur true/false ka use).
  • Practicing with small problems (solving age-based puzzles).

Week 3: Basic Arithmetic and Logic

  • Class 1: Basic Math in Coding
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division using code.
  • Example: Counting apples and sharing them among friends (basic math problems in code).
  • Class 2: Logical Thinking (सही-गलत सोच)
  • Introducing ‘if-else’ logic: If it rains, take an umbrella.
  • Simple code for everyday decisions (जैसे गरमी हो तो पंखा चलाओ).

Week 4: Loops (Repeating Instructions)

  • Class 1: Understanding Loops (बार-बार एक जैसा काम करना)
  • Why loops are useful in coding (जैसे 10 बार टेबल लिखना).
  • Example: Printing numbers from 1 to 10 using loops.
  • Class 2: Looping Through Tasks
  • Practice with different loops (for, while) using fun tasks (like making stars on screen).

Month 2: Exploring More Coding Concepts

Week 5: Functions and Reusability

  • Class 1: What are Functions? (Functions क्या होते हैं?)
  • Understanding how functions make code reusable (एक बार लिखो, बार-बार काम में लाओ).
  • Writing simple functions: Example – Say Hello or Calculate age.
  • Class 2: Making Programs with Functions
  • Creating small programs using functions (name, address input program).

Week 6: Introduction to Dart (Coding में Dart कैसे काम करता है?)

  • Class 1: What is Dart? (Dart क्या है?)
  • Introduction to Dart and why it’s used in coding.
  • Setting up the environment (like using an online Dart platform).
  • Class 2: Writing Your First Dart Program
  • Practice writing simple “Hello World” programs in Dart (Dart में पहला प्रोग्राम लिखना).

Week 7: Working with Conditions

  • Class 1: If-Else Conditions (अगर ये हो तो, वो करो)
  • How computers make decisions using conditions.
  • Example: If age is more than 13, show ‘Teenager’, else show ‘Child’.
  • Class 2: Nested Conditions
  • Practice with more complex conditions (conditions के अंदर conditions).

Week 8: Working with Lists

  • Class 1: Introduction to Lists (List क्या है?)
  • What are lists and why they’re useful (जैसे सामान की लिस्ट बनाना).
  • Example: Storing names of students in a list.
  • Class 2: Looping through Lists
  • Using loops with lists to display items (सभी नामों को लूप से दिखाना).

Month 3: Building Small Projects

Week 9: Making Interactive Programs

  • Class 1: Taking Input from Users (यूजर से जानकारी लेना)
  • How to take inputs from users (जैसे नाम पूछना).
  • Creating small interactive programs where kids can give their input.
  • Class 2: Combining Input and Output
  • Making a program that asks name and age and prints a message using both.

Week 10: Introduction to Simple Games

  • Class 1: Building a Number Guessing Game
  • Create a simple game where the computer picks a number, and the user guesses it (अंक को पहचानो).
  • Class 2: Adding Conditions in Games
  • Make the game more interactive with conditions (like higher or lower hints).

Week 11: Working with Colors and Graphics

  • Class 1: Simple Drawing Using Code
  • Introduction to drawing basic shapes like circles, squares in Dart.
  • Class 2: Customizing Colors
  • Learn how to change colors in code and make fun designs.

Week 12: Debugging and Fixing Errors

  • Class 1: Understanding Common Errors (कोडिंग में गलतियाँ ठीक करना)
  • How to find and fix errors in programs (बग्स को ठीक करना).
  • Class 2: Practice Fixing Simple Problems
  • Real-life problem-solving by fixing small programs with errors.

Month 4: Final Projects and Fun

Week 13: Building a Small Project

  • Class 1: Starting a Final Project (प्रोजेक्ट की शुरुआत)
  • Help kids plan a final project using all concepts learned so far.
  • Class 2: Working on the Final Project
  • Hands-on project time.

Week 14: Finalizing the Project

  • Class 1: Completing the Project
  • Wrap up the project with finishing touches and practice.
  • Class 2: Presenting the Project (प्रोजेक्ट दिखाना)
  • Kids present their projects to the group and share what they learned.

Week 15-16: Fun Coding Activities and Graduation

  • Class 1: Fun Coding Challenges
  • Small fun coding tasks or games.
  • Class 2: Course Completion and Award Ceremony
  • Celebrate the completion of the course with an online certificate or reward.

Course Materials:

  • Laptop or tablet with internet access.
  • Free Dart programming platform (like DartPad).
  • Worksheets and handouts with step-by-step coding instructions (in both English and Hindi).

This course provides a solid foundation in coding while making learning interactive and fun for kids!

Join Dart Coding Language Course Today

Flutter training course covering introduction, basics, widgets, routing, and advanced concepts. The course is divided into modules for easier understanding and learning.


Why should join this course?

Learning Dart can be a valuable career move with several advantages:
**Career Advantages:**
– Dart is used to build web, server, and mobile applications, offering diverse job opportunities.
– Dart developers are in demand due to the popularity of frameworks like Flutter and AngularDart.
– Dart’s syntax is easy to learn, making it a good starting point for beginners in programming.
– Dart’s flexibility allows developers to create high-performance applications for various platforms.
After mastering Dart, you can easily transition to learning Flutter, a popular framework for building mobile applications, expanding your skill set and career prospects.


Training Method

– Online class via google meet.
– Our training course uses live coding on VS Code to teach you a dart course.
– We show examples and run them live on the console.
– You’ll get homework for practice and work on real projects to build your confidence.


Special Benifits

Two times throughout the course, an engineer from Japan with 12 years of experience in mobile development will join three classes to provide motivation, answer questions, and offer free advice on any kind of career-related questions.
For weaker students, extra classes can be provided.
WhatsApp group will be provided for QA.











Discount – SUMMER major discount is going on contact for discount.

Dart Training by experts


Flutter training course covering introduction, basics, widgets, routing, and advanced concepts. The course is divided into modules for easier understanding and learning.



Free demo for 30 minutes.

Admission Fee


Time & Fee Structure

The course will run for 45 days, with classes held four times a week, each class lasting one hour

Fee : Contact for Fee Details

Payment Details

Instalment – 50% on admission time and remaining 50% at middle of course.

Full – 5% discount will be provided for one-time payments.

Special Benefits

  1. Two times throughout the course, an engineer from Japan with 12 years of experience in mobile development will join three classes to provide motivation, answer questions, and offer free advice on any kind of career-related questions.
  2. For weaker students, extra classes can be provided.
  3. WhatsApp group will be provided for QA.

Training Method

– Online class via google meet.

– Our training course uses live coding on VS Code to teach you a dart course.

– We show examples and run them live on the console.

– You’ll get homework for practice and work on real projects to build your confidence.

Training Material

Code file will be shared.

How to apply

Why should join this course?

Learning Dart can be a valuable career move with several advantages:

**Career Advantages:**

– Dart is used to build web, server, and mobile applications, offering diverse job opportunities.

– Dart developers are in demand due to the popularity of frameworks like Flutter and AngularDart.

– Dart’s syntax is easy to learn, making it a good starting point for beginners in programming.

– Dart’s flexibility allows developers to create high-performance applications for various platforms.

After mastering Dart, you can easily transition to learning Flutter, a popular framework for building mobile applications, expanding your skill set and career prospects.


Week 1:

– Day 1: Dart Features, Dart Installation

– Day 2: Dart First Program, Dart Basic Syntax

– Day 3: Dart Comments, Dart Keywords

– Day 4: Special Japan Trainer Dart Data Types, Dart Variables

Week 2:

– Day 1: Dart Operators, Dart Constants

– Day 2: Dart Numbers, Dart String

– Day 3: Dart Lists, Dart Sets

– Day 4: Dart Map, Dart Symbol

Week 3:

– Day 1: Dart Enums, Control Flow Statement

– Day 2: Dart if Statement, if else Statement

– Day 3: if else-if Statement, Switch case Statement

– Day 4: Dart Loops, Dart for Loop

Week 4:

– Day 1: Dart Loop, Dart while Loop

– Day 2: Dart do while Loop, Dart Boolean

– Day 3: Dart Function, Anonymous Function

– Day 4: main() function, Dart Recursion

Week 5:

– Day 1: Object-Oriented Concepts, Classes & Object

– Day 2: Dart Constructor, Dart this Keyword

– Day 3: Dart static Keyword, Dart super Keyword

– Day 4: Dart Inheritance, Super Constructor

Week 6:

– Day 1: Dart Methods, Method Overriding

– Day 2: Getters & Setters, Abstract Classes

– Day 3: Dart Interfaces, Dart Exceptions

– Day 4: Dart Typedef, Dart Collection

Week 7:

– Day 1: Dart Generics, Dart Packages

– Day 2: Dart Libraries, Revision and Practice

– Day 3: Revision and Practice

– Day 4: Special Japan Trainer Final Exam or Project Presentation
