Advance Flutter Training Course

Introduction to Flutter and Dart

  • What is Flutter?
  • Overview of Flutter as a cross-platform development tool.
  • Advantages of using Flutter for mobile and web development.
  • Understanding Dart Programming
  • Introduction to Dart as the programming language for Flutter.
  • Dart syntax basics, variables, data types, and functions.
  • Why Programming Matters
  • The importance of learning to code in today’s world.
  • Job opportunities and industry demands for Flutter developers.
  • Getting Started with Flutter Development
  • Setting up the Flutter environment.
  • Running your first Flutter app.


Building Flutter Applications

  • Widgets and Flutter UI Basics
  • Understanding Flutter’s widget-based architecture.
  • Introduction to stateless and stateful widgets.
  • Layouts and Navigation
  • Building responsive layouts with Flex, Column, Row, and Stack.
  • Implementing navigation: Navigator, named routes, and deep linking.

Understanding State Management

  • Introduction to State Management
  • Why state management is essential in Flutter apps.
  • State Management using Provider
  • Overview of Provider package for managing app state.
  • How to implement state management using Provider.
  • State Management using Riverpod
  • Introduction to Riverpod for state management.
  • How Riverpod differs from Provider and why it’s beneficial.
  • Provider vs. Riverpod: Comparison
  • When to use Provider and when to use Riverpod.
  • Performance and ease of use differences.

Advanced Topics in Flutter

  • Advanced Widget Customization
  • Creating custom widgets with Custom Painters and Layouts.
  • Handling user input with Custom Gestures.
  • Flutter Animation Techniques
  • Using implicit and explicit animations.
  • Animation Controllers and Hero animations.
  • Responsive Design and Layouts
  • Using MediaQuery and LayoutBuilder for responsive design.
  • Creating adaptive UIs for different screen sizes.
  • Internationalization and Localization
  • Supporting multiple languages in Flutter apps.
  • Formatting dates, numbers, and currencies.
  • Right-to-Left (RTL) language support.

Networking and Data Handling

  • API Calls and Data Management
  • Making API calls using Retrofit.
  • JSON serialization and deserialization in Flutter.
  • Data serialization with the Freezed package.
  • Offline Data Persistence
  • Using Hive for local storage and offline data persistence.
  • Best practices for managing offline and real-time data.
  • Working with WebSockets
  • Implementing real-time data updates with WebSockets.
  • Using Streams for continuous data flow.


  • Exporting Release APK and IPA Files
  • How to export APK files for Android and IPA files for iOS.
  • Publishing on Google Play Store
  • Step-by-step walkthrough of the Play Store console.
  • Guide to creating a Play Store account and submitting the app.
  • Publishing on Apple App Store
  • App Store Connect walkthrough.
  • Guide to creating an App Store account and submitting the app.

Integrating Native Code

  • Platform Channels
  • Using platform channels for communication between Flutter and native code.
  • Using Native SDKs and Libraries
  • Implementing platform-specific features with native SDKs.

Testing and Debugging Strategies

  • Testing in Flutter
  • Unit testing with flutter_test.
  • Widget testing and integration testing.
  • Debugging Complex Applications
  • Debugging techniques, identifying issues, and performance bottlenecks.

Flutter Performance Optimization

  • Optimizing Performance
  • Lazy loading and deferred initialization.
  • Memory management and optimization tips.

Advanced Package Management

  • Dependency Injection
  • Using GetIt or Provider for dependency injection.
  • Package Development
  • Creating and publishing custom Flutter packages.
  • Versioning and managing dependencies.

Reusable Components and Utilities

  • Creating Custom Widgets
  • Best practices for building reusable widgets.
  • Examples of custom widgets and how to use them across projects.
  • Reusable Coding Practices
  • Common utilities: Progress indicators, snackbars, helper functions.

Job Search Guide for Flutter Developers

  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization
  • Tips for creating an attractive LinkedIn profile for developers.
  • Job Platforms
  • Guide to using job portals like and others effectively.

This course structure offers a comprehensive path from basic Flutter concepts to advanced development techniques, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience from start to deployment.
